Get to the Subject

For months, you’ve completely thrown yourself into planning an elaborate, time-consuming event. You’ve spent hours negotiating prices, invested days into researching the perfect catering company, and got put on hold more times than you care to count. Now that you’ve put so much time into planning your Florida corporate event, make sure that your email marketing campaign is up to snuff. Get inspired with some of our favorite email campaigns!

charity: water: Progress Emails
Most of the time, we donate to charities without a real knowledge of where exactly our money goes, and we’re never given specifics. However, once someone donates to a charity: water project, they’re put on a list where they receive automated emails about the journey their money has taken, how it’s being used, and the impact it’s made. They’re given a progress update, a project timeline, and updated pictures. This is great to keep in mind, particularly when you’re working with a nonprofit! If attendees made donations at the event, consider keeping them up-to-date on where their money goes.

Cook Smarts: Easy CTA
Cook Smarts makes the CTA of each email easy to find! In the upper right-hand corner, subscribers can always find a “Forward to a Friend” button. As you publicize your event, make it easy for potential guests to tell their friends about it!

HireVue: Unsubscribe, It’s Okay — Seriously
It’s smart to purge your subscription list of people who don’t open your emails — low open rates can affect email deliverability. Take a look at how HireVue opened the door for subscribers to go away.

“You haven’t been opening our emails in the last few months, and the last thing we want is to come across clingy. If you still want to stay connected, then just press ‘Don’t Let Me Go’ below, and we promise we won’t let you. Otherwise, we’ll take you off our business list in three days. No hard feelings.”

This is simple, humorous, and guilt-free messaging! If you have a list of subscribers interested in future events who don’t open their emails, consider approaching them this way.

Loft: Happy Inbox, Happy Life
Ann Taylor Loft acknowledged the cluttered, overwhelming feeling of the common inbox, suggesting to all of their subscribers they should embrace the “Happy Inbox, Happy Life” approach to email. This is a customer-focused email that asks recipients to update their email preferences because they’re going to be sending content they won’t want to miss. As your event gets closer, send out an email asking attendees to update their email preferences! They won’t want to miss out on any important updates.

Florida corporate events can greatly benefit from a solid email campaign. If you’re looking to strengthen your team or put on an amazing business event, make sure to reach out to us online or at 407-955-4949.