How You Can Help Your Event Attendees’ Interaction

Sometimes people will attend an event, but not speak or interact with others. At these times, it’s best to ease attendees into wanting to communicate by adjusting the details of your event. Our Orlando event management guide will help you increase your event attendees’ interaction.

  • Before the Event: Host a few informational sessions about your event before it happens and allow people to mingle. This will instill excitement toward the event and ensure that attendees will interact with each other in the future.
  • Use Social Media: Many people are connected through social media somehow, and it is an effective way to have more interactions before your event. Create a hash-tag and encourage attendees to post with it. Ask and answer questions on a Facebook page.
  • Smaller Groups: Not everyone is going to know each other very well. During your event, break down a large mass of people into smaller groups to help break the ice. Pair them based on age, where they’re from, and other things.
  • Happy Hour: Think about scheduling some sort of after party and invite everyone. Event attendees will appreciate this gesture after a long day and have increased opportunities to communicate with each other. Keep in mind that this doesn’t have to mean drinking alcohol. It could simply be anything that makes attendees happy.
  • Networking Areas: It can be difficult to have a conversation in a crowded room full of people. Create a more subtle setting with chairs, tables, and space to move around and mingle in. If there are any speakers or presenters at your event, have them stay in these areas and provide attendees with opportunities to network.
  • Questions and Answers: Lastly, make time for a question and answer session between speakers and guests. This is a great way to get attendees more involved since they are responsible for the questions.

Clearly showcasing the advantages of interacting with others will help your event attendees become more involved. Setting up specific instances where people can talk more is a simple and effective method. For more advice on Orlando event management, call us today at 1-866-511-FUN.